HSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024 All Board | ১০০% কমন | PDF Download

HSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024 নিয়ে এলো nabuw। বিগত বছরগুলো বোর্ড প্রশ্ন এবং বিভিন্ন নামিদামি ক্যাডেট কলেজ প্রশ্ন এবং দীর্ঘ সময় শিক্ষকতার অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে HSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024  সাজেশনটা তৈরি করা হয়েছে। 

HSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024

  • Passages for MCQ, Short Questions 
  • Passages Flowchart Question
  • Summary
  • Cloze Test With/ Without Clues
  • Re-arranges
  • Paragraph
  • Completing Story
  • Informal Letter (Email)
  • Theme 

Passages for MCQ, Short Questions

1. The Unforgettable History U-1, L-1
2. Nelson Mandela U-1, L-2
3. The Storm and Stress at Adolescence...... U-4, L-1
4. Adolescence and Some...... U-4, L-2
5. Sheikh Kamal U-5, L-1,2
6. Scaling a Mountain peak or Riding your dream? U-5, L-4
7. Amerigo, A Street Child U-7, L-4
8. Conflict: Causes and Types U-8, L-1
9. Eco-tourism U-9, L-3
10. Water,Water Everywhere U-10, L-1
11. The Hakaluki Haor U-10, L-2
12. What is beauty? U-11, L-1
13. Folk Music U-11, L-2
14. Why Education U-12, L-1
15. The Legend of Gazi 

Passages Flowchart Question 

1. The Unforgettable History U-1, L-1
2. Nelson Mandela U-1, L-2
3. The Storm and Stress at Adolescence...... U-4, L-1
4. Adolescence and Some...... U-4, L-2
5. Sheikh Kamal U-5, L-1,2
6. Scaling a Mountain peak or Riding your dream? U-5, L-4
7. Amerigo, A Street Child U-7, L-4
8. Conflict: Causes and Types U-8, L-1
9. Eco-tourism U-9, L-3
10. Water,Water Everywhere U-10, L-1
11. The Hakaluki Haor U-10, L-2
12. What is beauty? U-11, L-1
13. Folk Music U-11, L-2
14. Why Education U-12, L-1
15. The Legend of Gazi 


1. The Unforgettable History Unit-1, Lesson-1
2. Adolescence and some.... Unit-4, Lesson-2
3. Scaling a Mountain peak.... Unit-5, Lesson-4
4. Family Relationship Unit-6, Lesson-1
5. Conflicts: Causes and Types Unit-8, Lesson-1
6. Eco-tourism Unit-9, Lesson-3
7. What is beauty? Unit-11, Lesson-1
8. Our Art and Craft Unit-11, Lesson-3
9. Why Education Unit-12, Lesson-1
10. Civic Engagement Unit-12, Lesson-3

Cloze Test With/ Without Clues

1. All of us know what a dream is _______
2. Sincerity is the best way of achieving ______ ( -২২)
3. In recent years there have been many ______ reports. ( , -22)
4. In our country women are the worst sufferers _______.
5. Bangladesh ______ in the active earthquake zone.
6. It’s a matter of great concern that Bangladesh______
7. Women in our society have always been considered_______to men.
8. Our liberation is the _______ achievement in our life. ( -২২)
9. Civility means polite ______ or modesty. ( -22)
10. Gender ______is a deeply rooted social and cultural.
11. The world is getting ______...
12. Trees are very ______ to humans...
13. Language plays a very important ______ ( -22)
14. The destruction of forest and other______
15. Bangladesh is a land of _______beauty.


1. The teacher and a student ( -২২)
2. Nelson Mandela ( -22)
3. Buddha and the poor women.
4. Haji Mohammad Mohsin ( -22)
5. Kazi Nazrul Islam ( , -22)
6. Socrates
7. The applicants and the Sultan ( -22)
8. Rabindranath Tagore
9. Dhaka Metro Rail ( -22)
10. Alfred Bernard Nobel
11. King Solomon
12. Khan Jahan Ali ( -২২)
13. Sheikh Saadi
14. Alexander and Porus
15. The astrologer and the king


1. Food Adulteration ( , , -22)
2. An Ideal Student ( - 22)
3. The Historic Speech of 7th March.
4. Climate Change
5. Environment Pollution.
6. Folk Music
7. International Mother Language Day.
8. Environment Pollution
9. Early Marriage
10. Dream ( -২২)

Completing Story

1. Grasp all, Loss all
2. Money can’t Bring Happiness ( -২২)
3. An Ant and a Dove
4. Where There is a Will, There is a way.
5. The Judgment of a Wise Judge ( -22)
6. Dress Doesn’t Make a Man Great
7. Devotion to Mother.
8. An Honest Wood Cutter
9. A dreadful call at midnight.
10. Nobody trust a liar ( -২২)

Informal Letter (Email)

1. Make your younger brother/sister aware of Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Importance of Reading Newspaper
3. Routine of the HSC Examination
4. Preparation for Ensuing Exam
5. Telling the progress of Studies.
6. Congratulations on Brilliant Success.
7. Thanks for Birthday Gift.
8. Advising not to Waste Time Surfing Facebook.
9. Asking admission procedure for overseas students.
10. A condolence message to your friends.

Graph Chart

1. The gradual rate of internet users in Bangladesh.
2. The number of people living below the poverty line.
3. The Literacy rate of Bangladesh.
4. The percentage of a family’s household income distributed into different categories.
5. The choice of profession/ career by different educated people.
6. The sources of Air pollution in a city (Pie Chart)
7. The time allocation of students daily Actvities. (Pie Chart)

8. The percentages of transport used by 800 students (Pie Chart)
9. The sources of electricity of USA. (Pie Chart)
10. The export sectors in Bangladesh. (Pie Chart)

HSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024


1. All people dream (Unit- 2, L-2)
2. Hold fast to dreams
3. The Schoolboy (Unit-4, L-03)
4. The Winter Days (Unit-6, L-02)
5. Alone (Unit-8, L-02)
6. September 1, 1939 (Unit-8, L-02)
7. I will arise and go (Unit-10, L-03)
8. I have wished a bird would fly (Unit-10, L-04)
9. I died for beauty (Unit-11, L-01)
10. I have seen Bengal's face (Unit-13, L-01)

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