HSC English suggestion 2023 নিয়ে এলো nabuw। এখান থেকে 1st & 2nd paper সাজেসন পেয়ে যাবা। বিগত বছরগুলো বোর্ড প্রশ্ন এবং বিভিন্ন নামিদামি ক্যাডেট কলেজ প্রশ্ন এবং দীর্ঘ সময় শিক্ষকতার অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে HSC English suggestion 2023 সাজেশনটা তৈরি করা হয়েছে। ৯৯% কমন
HSC English suggestion 2023
HSC Summary Suggestion
1) The Unforgettable History ***[U-1;L-1]
2) Nelson Mandela [U-1;L-2]
3) What is Dream [U-2;L-1]
4) Say 'No' to Bullying ***[U-4;L-5]
5) Adolescence and Some[U-4;L-2]
6) Family Relationship[U-6; L-1]
7) Sheikh Kamal ***[U-5;L-1]
8)Brojen Das[U-5;L-3]
9) Amerigo, A Street Child[U-7;L-4]
10) Civic Engagement[U-12;L-3]
11) Eco-tourism[U-9;L-3]
12) Why education[U-12; L-1]
13) A Mother in Manville[U-6;L-3]
HSC Cloze test With/Without clues
1. All of us know what a dream is
2. Sincerity is the best way of achieving _ (ঢাকা বোর্ড-২২)
3. In recent years there have been many _ reports (চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড, দিনাজপুর বোর্ড-22)
4. In our country women are the worst sufferers
5. Bangladesh in the active earthquake zone.
6. It's a matter of great concern that Bangladesh
7. Women in our society have always been considered 8. Our liberation is the _ achievement in our life. (ময়মনসিংহ বোর্ড-২২) to men.
9. Civility means polite_ or modesty. (যশোর বোর্ড-22)
10. Gender is a deeply rooted social and cultural.
11. The world is getting
12. Trees are very to humans...
13. Language plays a very important (রাজশাহী বোর্ড-22)।
14. The destruction of forest and other
15. Bangladesh is a land of beauty
HSC Graph Chart Suggestion
HSC Re-arrange Suggestion
1) The teacher and the Students (D.B-22)
2) Nelson Mandela (C.B-22)
3) Haji Muhammad Mahsin (B.B-22)
4) kazi Nazrul Islam (Chitt.B-22)
5) The Applicants and the Sultan (R.B-22)
6) Dhaka Metro Rail (J.B-22)
7) Khan Jahan Ali (Maymon.B-22)
8)Buddha and the poor women
9) Socrates *
10) Rabindranath Tagore *
11) Alfred Nobel *
12) King Solomon *
13) Sheikh Saadi *
14) The astrologer and the king *
15) Alexander and Porous
HSC Completing Story Suggestion
1) Nobody believes a lair
2) Money Cann't bring happiness *
3) Shaikh Sadi *
4) Who will bell the cat
5) An honest wood cutter *
6) Cowboy & Tiger *
7) The Judgment of a wine judge
8)Where There in a will, There in a way *
9) Dress Doesn't Make a Man Great
10) Devotion to Mother *
11) A dreadful call at midnight
12) An Ant and a Dove
13) A Grasp all, Loss all *
স্টোরি এর বাহিরে অনেক সময় ক্রিয়েটিভ স্টোরিও দিতে পারে। যা মূলত নিজে
বানিয়ে লিখতে হয়। ২০২২ সালের বোর্ড পরিক্ষায় (B.B), (C.B), (R.B), (Chy
B), (JB) ক্রিয়েটিভ স্টোরি এসেছিলো।
HSC Email Suggestion-2023
1) Importance of reading newspaper *
2) Routine of the hac exam
3) Preparation for hae exam *
4) Congratulations on brilliant success
5)Thanks for birthday gift *
7) Advising not to waste time surfing Facebook *
8)Make your younger brother/sinter aware of (Covid-19) Pandemic
9)Telling the progress of studies.
10) Anking admission procedure for overseas students
11) A condolence mennage to your friends
12) Debating Club *
HSC Application Suggestion
1. multimedia facilities in the classroom
2. providing sound system in the classroom
3. setting up an English Debating/Literary/English Language/Computer Club
4. permission for a study tour
5. increasing the number of books in the library
6. a seat in the college hostel
7. permission to stage a drama
8. increasing the facilities in the college common room 9. transfer certificate/testimonial
10. improving library facilities
11. opening a relief camp in the college premises
12. prohibition of cell phone in the classroom and in the examination hall
13. supplying an English newspaper for the common room
14. repairing/construction the damaged roads/bridge
15. full free studentship/stipend
HSC Paragraph Suggestion 2023
1. Food Adulteration (ঢাকা বোর্ড, রাজশাহী বোর্ড, ময়মনসিংহ বোর্ড-22)
2. Road Accident***
3. Drug Addiction(arga -22)
4. Deforestation (ur card-22)
5. Female Education
6. Impact of Facebook*** ( 1"Paper-22)
7. City life and Rural Life (কুমিল্লা বোর্ড, যশোর বোর্ড-22)
8. Climate Change
9. Price Hike (রাজশাহী বোর্ড 22 )
10. 10. Traffic Jam
11. The Victory Day (5-2)
12. Online Education (ঢাকা বোর্ড, সিলেট বোর্ড-22)
13. An Ideal Student ( - 1" Paper-22)
14. A Society I dream of (-25)
15. Mobile Phone
16. International Mother Language Day.
17. The Historic Speech of 7th March.
18. Environment Pollution
19. Early Marriage:
20. Dream ( -5)